Thursday, November 1, 2012


I know it isn't Halloween anymore, but I'm still allowed to be a little spooked by the wind outside: Branches scraping at the window, the howling of the air current (which I know is really a call from the dead), and the creaking of the house make me want to curl up on my bed with fuzzy socks and watch something ridiculously happy and nowhere near creepy, sad, or abysmal.

Unfortunately, I am only spooked because I have an over-active imagination, which is why I have decided to become on author, which means I can't watch happy movies all day, but rather, I have to write and write and write until my fingers fall off, and then I can join the group of zombies waiting for me outside the door, because they too do not have any fingers, seeing as they are rotting messes of stinking flesh. Maybe I'll write something happy, if I can't watch something happy...but who has time for happiness anymore? Besides, I don't know long I'll have my brain for...

At least my imagination is revving enough to have a very productive day.  

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