Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stone Cold Bistro

After spending the morning in the Salem Public Library, I am taking a lunch break.

I had beef and noodle stew from the Stone Cold Bistro, and it was delicious. Now I am sitting, looking out at the falls colors and the busy flags of a windy courtyard, almost ready to go back to work.

It isn't raining today, but that's okay. I am finding sufficient inspiration to keep me busy. It's going really well, and I am still very excited about this project.

I wonder though, if I'm going to be able to write fast enough to be an author. Some of the people I have talked to through ANWA seem to already have tons of books...maybe more than I'll ever be able to write. But you don't need to write a lot to be a published--and maybe even a little famous--author...right? I hope not. Or, I'll just have to work on my imagination...think more creatively and figure out how to come up with awesome plots on the fly, so that I can write more quickly and often.

I heard of a webcast by Angela Morrison that seems like it might help me with my problem of not being able to think of plots quick enough. I'll have to check that out.

There are so many talented people out there, I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get published at all. But, I can't think like that. When people ask, "What do you do for a living?" I have to tell them, "I am an author." I won't doubt myself. That's not how you chase your dreams.

My next project for to day is to find a book about architecture, so I don't sound like an idiot when I write about it. I haven't done a research project since college, and I'm not sure if I'm excited about it or not. I guess we'll see.

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